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for the
ESPERE Climate Encyclopaedia

What is the ESPERE climate encyclopaedia?

The ESPERE climate encyclopaedia is an Internet based and multilingual platform written by researchers and teacher trainers in an understandable way for schools and the public. It gives a wide overview of the climate system and related environmental issues (see below fields of expertise) based on the key reports published by IPCC, UNEP and WMO. The encyclopaedia has so far in average 4000 - 5000 visitors per day world-wide.

Why godparents?

The encyclopaedia has been developed in its basic version in a two years project funded by the European Commission 2003 + 2004. Some of the information given may become outdated as time goes by. Other information may be not yet perfect, since the range of fields of expertise is very wide and one author/translator cannot be expert in all fields. In order to keep a reliable and up-to-date resource for the information of the public and for teaching in schools experts from the field and researchers familiar with the respective language should control the quality in the long-term.

How to organise fields of responsiblity?

The content of the climate encyclopaedia is organised below in 22 fields of expertise. 3-10 pages in the web are assigned to one field. An expert group should form for each field of expertise with a representative for each language and one senior scientists in particular responsible for the master version, which serves as mastercopy for translation into other languages.

What should godparents do?

Godparents should check if the present texts in their field of expertise are scientifically correct and still up-to-date. They should check if the translation into their language is appropriate. They should agree on updates necessary due to major changes in the knowledge base which found wide agreement in the scientific community, in particular after the publication of the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2007. The work of godparents is therefore neither permanent nor time-consuming or pressing, but their role is long term quality maintenance.

How to become godfather or godmother?

Please check in the list "fields of expetise" to which field you expertise is related. We write for school level, so basic scientific expertise is sufficient. If you think you could be active in several fields, please check in the list of expertise groups, where help is most urgently needed. Please check the Encyclopaedia table below, what your responsibility is in detail. Your field is marked in the same colour and with the same number than in the table "fields of expertise". You can click on each of the coloured cells in order to see what single text is behind this (English language branch). This gives you a clear overview of your field of responsibilty. Please write to us and let us know about your name, affiliation and for which field and language (or master) you would like to become godfather or godmother:

Secretary of the ESPERE Steering Committee is

Dr. Susanne Nawrath,
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam / Germany
e-mail: snawrath [please add]

Fields of expertise

01 = Geographical and physical structure / of the atmosphere go to WG01
02 = Greenhouse effect, Earth warming and radiative forcing go to WG02
03 = Tropospheric chemistry and ozone go to WG03
04 = Stratospheric ozone and ozone hole go to WG04
05 = Meteorology and Weather events go to WG05
06 = Atmospheric dynamics and gobal wind systems, NAO, El Niño go to WG06
07 = Cloud chemistry and physics go to WG07
08 = Particles / Aerosols go to WG08
09 = Physical processes in urban systems go to WG09
10 = Air pollution and emissions go to WG10
11 = Acid rain and sulfur cycle go to WG11
12 = Basic Oceanography go to WG12
13 = Oceanic biosystems and atmospheric exchange go to WG13
14 = Properties and weather/climate dependence of plants go to WG14
15 = Vegetation fires go to WG15
16 = Climate impact on biosystems and bio/climate-scenarios go to WG16
17 = Global climate models and scenarios go to WG17
18 = Mitigation and political measures go to WG18
19 = measurement techniques and chemical distribution go to WG19
20 = Biometeorology and environmental health impacts go to WG20
21 = Drought and agricultural water management go to WG21
22 = Social scenarios and social climate impact go to WG22

Encyclopaedia table

Organisation of the Encyclopaedia in four layers
Topic -> Level: B = Basics, M = More -> U = Unit -> T = Text
Usually a Level has 3 Units and a Unit 3 Texts. If they have more the texts are listed in 'Additional'.

Topic Level U1T1 U1T2 U1T3 U2T1 U2T2 U2T3 U3T1 U3T2 U3T3
Lower Atmosph. 1Basics 01 01 19 02 02 03 03 03 03
1More 03 03 03 02 02 02 03 03 15
Upper Atmosph. 2Basics 01 01 19 04 04
2More 06 19 04 04 04 04(T4 04(T5
Weather 3Basics 05 05 05 06 06 06 05 05 05
3More 05 05 05 06 06 06 20 20 20
Clouds & Part. 4Basics 07 07 07 08 08 20 02 02 07
4More 07 07 07 08 08 20 08 08 02
Climate in Cities 5Basics 10 10 10 09 09 09 11 11 11
5More 10 10 10 09 09 09 11 11 11
Oceans 6Basics 12 12 13 13 13 13 11 11 13
6More 12 12 12 13 13 13 12 13
Food & Climate 7Basics 14 16 14 14 14 16 21 21 15
7More 14 14 14 16 16 21 21 21 21
Climate change 8Basics 17 17 10 22 22 22 18 18 18
8More 02 17 17 17 18 17 18 18 18
Additional 1BU2T4 1MU4T1 1MU4T2 5BU1T4 5MU1T4 5MU2T4 6BU3T4 7MU2T4
15 19 19 10 10 20 13 16
Additional 8MU1T4 8MU1T5 8MU2T4 8MU3T4
______________ 17 17 18 18
